Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Amping up boring baby stuff; Decluttering, inspired by Zero Waste Home

The other side of this bib has some ridiculous quote about fast food embroidered on the other side, so I only used the plain underside even before adding the embellishment. Also pictured here is my "sewing case," which was originally my Barbie case made for me a hundred years ago by my Papaw. My childhood Barbie collection included two knock-off Barbies: one with a pinched boob and one with a hole in her abdomen. Unlike me, my mom doesn't insist yard sale purchases be gently used. Even skanky knock-off Barbies were hers for the taking if the price was right. Btw, this case happens to be one of my favorite repurposings!
Not being one that thinks baby must wear $$$ outfits, I buy plain white onesies and embellish them to suit me. These appliqués are iron on, but I just tack 'em on, as the sticky backing didn't make it through many washes for the first of these I did. Back in the day when our DD was just a babe, I embellished her plain Jane clothes--mostly hand-me-downs--with little rosebuds. To supplement the items given to us or that I bought used, I would scour the stores at the end of each season for the best clearance prices on items that would fit the kiddo the next year. 
   I figure not spending big bucks on short-term-use items like clothes for a fast growing little one is one of the reasons that Hubby and I were able to pay off our house and other debts quickly. One of the reasons he is able to be retired and me not working at 50. We may not live like kings, but we're happy!
   Of course, we didn't do it all right, but what I wish I hadn't spent money on will have to wait for another day's post.
   Rainy, rainy day here in western Kentucky...but the little one is expected in a bit, so she will definitely brighten up this day for us! Hope something wonderful brightens your day today!!
Made a solemn vow to declutter an item every time I read a post over on Zero Waste Home. These are my two latest declutters: the only remaining peignoir item from my wedding trousseau and a pan I'd bought for a quarter at a yard sale, because I misunderstood what type of pan Hubby wanted to put under his seedlings. Seems a pan with holes in it will NOT suit for watering the little seed pots from bottom up. ;)


  1. Iron ons! What a fabulous idea for dressing things up a bit. Sewing does sound like it would hold up better, but even a non-sewer like me could handle iron ons. I love that you're enjoying the grandbaby so much! :)

  2. Thanks for the link to Zero Waste Home. I'm off to check them out. Keep up the good work on the Decluttering!

  3. I did the same with my boys baby clothes embroided a little dolphin here and there and maybe a ladybird but that was about it.

  4. I was fortunate to not have to buy baby clothes-my mother was Psycho Grandma unleashed---she bought all the clothes......way too many! But, it saved us from the expense.
    Love the idea of embellishing plain stuff-I'd pass that on to the DIL, but she's a REAL shopaholic and couldn't care less about saving. Sigh.


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