Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ten On Ten: Lovin' November

Thanks, A Bit of Sunshine, for this Ten on Ten Photo Project, capturing some element of our lives at the top of every hour. I will add photos throughout the day...might need to refresh the page if you visit again.
No sun—no moon—no morn—no noon,
No dawn—no dusk—no proper time of day,
No warmth—no cheerfulness—no healthful ease,
No road, no street, no t’ other side the way,
No comfortable feel in any member—
No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees,
No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds,
Thomas Hood
Almost Six O'Clock-ish: Yup, takes a little effort to get me out of bed when the sun's no help. Ten to fifteen minutes of my "Happy Light" glaring at me gets me off my tuchus every time!
Seven O'Clock-ish: Every time Grandbaby comes to visit, I get on the exercise bike for at least fifteen minutes while she watches. I aim to make an exercise lover out of her by example! ;)
Eight O'Clock-ish: Making bread pudding with some Butterscotch Amish Bread that was baked without any oil (OOPS!).
Nine O'Clock-ish: Snack time--roasted soybeans. These were as dull as dishwater 'til I added some seasonings.
Ten O'Clock-ish: Bread Pudding out of the oven. Not a fan of the stuff, I think this pic looks gross. (Hubby likes it!)
Eleven O'Clock-ish: This little one is much easier to entertain than her older sisters! ;)
Twelve O'Clock-ish: Let there be lunch! Some minced jalapeƱo sure revved our salads up!
One O'Clock-ish: See our little mistletoe crop up in the maple tree? The apple tree is hanging on to its leaves for dear life; most of our other trees have already shed theirs here in western Kentucky.
Two O'Clock-ish: Story Time! (SHORT story!)
Three O'Clock-ish: I prefer to pop my own on the stove, but this stuff I bought from the Boy Scout who lives next door isn't bad.
   Would love it if you'd leave a link to your own Ten on Ten...or to anything else you'd like to share!


  1. oh one of my favorite topics;)..and wow 6 o´clock!I´m still soo tired at 7 o´clock:)

  2. JenMuna, hoping you'll join me in doing a Ten on Ten one of these days! :)

  3. Loved this post..letting us see a glimpse of your daily life..

  4. That bread pudding looks so delicious! Looks like it was a great day with your granddaughter!

  5. Oooh ... I'm a popcorn and chili freak:)
    First time to see this "happy light". I'm going to google it.

    Thanks for the visit.

  6. i have a "happy light" too! i think it may be time to break it out... thank you so much for sharing your day and taking the time to visit my 10on10 as well :)

  7. Happy Light? Hey, the sun comes in four windows in my bedroom. I keep a pair of black panties by my pillow to block any light! I drape them over my eyes. Or, if I cannot find them, I use a black sock. I would probably use them with this too.

    I do turn on lots of lights in the house in the fall and winter.

  8. I've never heard of the happy light... I'm intrigued! Wonder if it would help me get my behind out of bed, too! Thanks for sharing your 10 on 10 and for stopping by!

  9. Oh, I love 10 on 10 posts! Boy Scout popcorn is delish!

  10. Oh my goodness....your pictures make me so hungry! The food looks SO yummy! Thanks for sharing!


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