Sunday, January 15, 2012

Make do: Fix broken powder makeup

Don't even want to think about how many of my face powder compacts have crashed and burned in my years of wearing makeup. Wish I'd known all along that there IS a way to salvage the shattered mess and keep from wasting my good money!! If interested, check out: How to: Fix your broken powder makeup. Just found a video on youtube too, if you'd like a tutorial of the general process. Happy saving!!


  1. Wow! thanks for sharing! like most , I would just throw it away..such wasted money...not any more!

  2. I have thrown out many, many of the eyeshadows in the compact with mirror. That was a great little tutorial. You don't even have to drop eyeshadow for it to break. It just happens in my purse.

  3. Thank you so much for posting this! I'm going to save so much $$ on make up now!

  4. That's a great trick! I was reading a copy of Real Simple Magazine over the holidays, and I believe they had this one in there. It's a goodie.

    Thanks for sharing the video.

  5. Lol ~ I've thrown away my share of powders over the years too!


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