Monday, February 27, 2012

Enviable green living in Berea's Eco-Village; Meatless Monday Hold That Line Hummus

We interrupted these students' breakfast, but they couldn't have been more gracious and anxious to share their experiences of living in the Sens Demonstration House. The residents of the house meet weekly to discuss their power usage and other ways to stay green and sustainable. These young women were in agreement that living in Sens House didn't take much additional effort, but mentioned composting food waste specifically as one way their lives differ from that of most students.
Soo jealous of the young folks who live in Sens House at the Eco-Village. Four Berea College students live in this solar-powered residence. Other residents from the eco-village help to tend these garden beds and share in the produce year-round.
Aquaponics at Berea's Eco-Village.
Totally missed this pic when sharing my Berea funky finds yesterday. LOVE this window--captured in the Kentucky Artisan Center.
Of course, I couldn't post without including some FOOD. And, YES, I am totally ashamed to share this picture with its Styrofoam containers. I have yet to figure out how to stay A+ green when traveling and staying in a hotel. *sigh*
   We had such fun in Berea, Kentucky, but my fav place to sightsee was their Eco-Village. This place pretty much blew my socks off!

   So, that pretty much does it for the vacay pics. Back to normal and I didn't even forget to post about Meatless Monday this week. Actually made an Eggplant Parmigiana for lunch but since the pic didn't turn out, Loved the ranch-flavored Hold That Line Hummus I made a couple of days ago. What's on your table this Meatless Monday?


  1. That eco village looks lovely, it must have been really interesting to look round.

  2. Aquaponics interests me greatly. I would like to start on a small scale. Of course, I cannot see that happening anytime soon. Berea College is an interesting concept on many levels. Styrofoam use is ubiquitious. The people who use it don't seem to understand how it is undesirable.

  3. Looks like a very interesting place to visit.

  4. @Anne...very interesting for a weirdo like me whose heart beats faster at mention of the word "solar." ;)
    @Linda, aquaponics is waay beyond me too. *sigh*
    @Cathy, as interesting a place as could be--but lovely too!

  5. I think we're going to have to plan a trip to Kentucky!

  6. That Eco Village looks really cool, must have been very interesting to visit. I'm always taken aback when I see Styrofoam... why are they even still making it with all of the earth-friendly options out there today? Crazy...


Love it that you stopped by today!

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