Sunday, February 26, 2012

Funky finds in Berea, Kentucky

Not your average porch benches!
Unique up-cycling of wine corks, wouldn't you say?
Unexpected greeter at entrance to the restroom in the Kentucky Artisan Center.
The Kentucky Artisan Center Grill's Veggie Burger. Yes, I am a condiment slut! ;)
Every shop seemed to outdo the last!
Such fun when shops do tablescapes.
While in Berea, seems we were always stumbling into music. This time at the Black Feather.
The Black Feather tickled our tummies with paninis: the Mediterranean Veggie for me and for Hubby, the Portabella with feta, balsamic and sun-dried tomatoes.
Finally getting around to sharing more pics from our mini-vacation to Berea, Kentucky. Hope to find the time maƱana to share our visit to their fascinating eco-village.


  1. Wow what a neat looking place! Thank you for sharing your experience through pictures with us. I love the land shark and rain barrel. But nothing beats the giraffe in the bathroom!

  2. @Meg, I was so taken with the giraffe that I almost got to the door before realizing it was the men's restroom entrance! ;)

  3. Dmarie,
    That is always my excuse when I absentmindly open the door to he men's room--the giraffe distracted me.

    Those are really, really nice shops and pictures. Wine corks? On the dress form?

  4. @Linda, I'll have to remember that! yup, as the "arms" on the dress form. :)

  5. I loved your pictures, it looks a really lovely place!

  6. What a fabulous place!! Bet you've got that down for a re-visit.
    The food looked beaut too. That land shark just grabbed me.
    A totally delightful post Dmarie - good exploring for us too.. many thanks :D)

  7. Berea looks like a fun place. I'd love to sit and listen to that band.

  8. Dmarie,
    I totally missed the wine cork arms.

  9. @Anne, thanks! I really love sharing Kentucky's beauty, so I'm glad folks don't mind. ;)
    @Susan, yup, we'll def go back...again and again.
    @Annie, we dined to live music on Saturday night at a different restaurant and even ran into a impromptu concert at the visitors' center. such a nice surprise!

  10. Great photos, looks like you stumbled across some very cool sights! I love the butterfly benches and I want one of those rain barrels!! :)


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