Sunday, February 26, 2012

Food Rules shortie film narrated by Michael Pollan

I'm having a ball checking out entry after entry in the 2012 Ninjamatics Canadian Weblog Awards. Please share a link if you've discovered something worth watching!


  1. I love Michael Pollan, great video. I do believe that there is enough (I'm always taking about abundance, aren't I?) but we need to prioritize first. Feeding people, all people, should be at the very top of the list. In a world where food is thrown away every single day, tons of it, no one should go hungry.

  2. There is enough. It stymies me why this is such a hard concept. Even in countries like Africa where we send aid, the food is there, just consumed by the few. It seems just wrong that cars get fuel from land where food crops could grow. Unfortunately, corn produced for biofuel is not edible....sad, sad, sad.

  3. @Melinda, hear, hear!!
    @Linda, you said it!!


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