Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hangin' out at Historic Boone Tavern in Berea, Kentucky

Built in 1909, Boone Tavern's historic status is reason enough for a visit but their recently acquired status as an LEED Gold Certified Green Hotel gives them even more to crow about. And having a nice parking spot reserved up front for green vehicles was a nice touch too.
Way back when, Hubby and I stayed at Boone Tavern in Berea, Kentucky, to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary. This time around we were celebrating our 30th! We try to make some little jaunt every year around this time to commemorate our "I DOs." Last year, we sashayed to San Diego, but this year I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to revisit Boone Tavern and Berea. Wasn't a hard sell...Hubby loves this place too!
Smaller 1st Floor Lobby
Time to check in...once we ditched our luggage, we were frequent flyers on these stairs.
2nd Floor Lobby. Just out the window is one of the Berea College buildings.
No plastic entry card around here--only an actual KEY will get you into this joint! With only a two night stay, there was no need for maid service. Just a small, painless concession to green living.
Our room was t-tiny but plenty big for us. (We're used to a full-sized bed. They have larger beds of course, and those rooms are larger.) All the furniture in the rooms is "handcrafted cherry, oak, and pine furniture made by Berea College Student Crafts over the past 100 years."
Our room package came with breakfast vouchers for the restaurant, so I couldn't talk Hubby into eating our lunches or dinners at the Tavern. Of course, that didn't keep me from sampling their desserts in the comfort of our own room!
Soo, where should we go next year for our anniversary weekend? Any ideas?


  1. Happy Anniversary!
    Oh, the desserts look good. What a beautiful place to stay!

  2. Thanks, Sue! Love your blue roof! besides looking great with your stone...what a welcome shot of color in the winter.

  3. That looks lovely. Isn't that the college that has free tuition or something? The students work out their tuition?

  4. You made the blog today about blogging. I can no longer post links, so there!

  5. Lovely...what a beautiful place. Next year: I'd go back every year..that's just the kind of gal I am.

  6. @Linda/Practical Parsimony, yup, the college still has its work study students. The students are a visible presence everywhere.
    @Lynda, we do go back to Berea nearly every year, but this was our first time in ages to stay a couple of nights. They have a knock-your-socks-off arts and crafts festival that I'm hoping we'll attend sometime later this year.

  7. Happy Anniversary!! :) Looks like a lovely place to stay and I'm glad you two had such a nice time. :)

  8. Happy belated anniversary, looks wonderful and so romantic! And the breakfast dish looks very yummy.


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