Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fat Tuesday calls for King Arthur's Carrot Cake

No King's Cake for me this Mardi Gras! This Fat Tuesday calls for a Carrot Cake from King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking, one of my all-time favorite cookbooks. Oh, MY, this tastes soo good! At least there are some slow carbs to balance out the sweet stuff, as this cake is made with whole wheat flour, grated carrots, pineapple, coconut and pecans. The cream cheese frosting is sprinkled with candied ginger--something in my pantry I've been needing to use up. (Couldn't find exact recipe online...similar recipe may be found here. Just sub out whole wheat for the all-purpose flour and sprinkle frosted cake with 1/2 cup of candied ginger. I used pecans and pineapple, not raisins and walnuts.)
We had BIG salads for supper, followed up by Carrot Cake. What's on the menu for your Fat Tuesday??


  1. Hey, this looks too much to resist but I would prefer it plain without the cream cheese topping.

  2. Looks yummy! I love cream cheese frosting on carrot cake.

  3. Dang, I really should have eaten some carrot cake yesterday! Now I'm cut off for 40 days. Why must I suffer so????

  4. @No-Frills, without icing would qualify as no-frills, eh? ;)
    @Niki, me TOO! cream cheese anything really *sigh*
    @cathy, gave up sweets, didja? doing without awhile always makes me appreciate other foods more.
    @Mark, another abstainer? good luck to both of you!
    @Yummy, it is...I was surprised that I liked the crystallized ginger on it, but I REALLY did!

  5. Oh my, how I love a super tasty carrot cake... perhaps I'll need to whip one up one day soon! ;)

  6. @Melinda, me too! I've been savoring every single bite!


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