Sunday, March 18, 2012

Carbon 101 from

A quick list of how we can lower our carbon footprint when grocery shopping: Food Politics:


  1. My "weird warning" is that I have run out of access because of volume of pictures I have uploaded. Just wondering what warning you got.

  2. Linda, I came across the same, but even after reducing my photos, I still can't post a photo. when trying to post pics, I get a weird warning about submitting content to an insecure site. ???

  3. I think I got that one too. Plus, I cannot reduce my photos. It's like I have just been stopped until I pay. I quit using Picasa for six months or so until I used my quota of free on flickr. Then, when I went back to Picasa, it worked for several months.

    If you delete pictures from the Picasa/blogger site, do they disappear from the blog posts, too?

  4. yup! not really into sleuthing how to make it work. likely just gonna go with the flikr site. :(


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