Eat the Food: Last week when I was craving doughnuts, I made pancakes instead. Though I love my recipe, the pancakes did NOT end my craving. |
Skill Up: Yes, mending my gloves was a way for me to "skill up" as part of the Independence Challenge. Does the fact that I pricked my finger say it all? ;) |
Preserve Something: As you can imagine, Grandbaby, strapped to my chest in her infant carrier, was a big help when it came time to finally use that salsa mix that'd been in my pantry for so long. Still lacking the confidence to actually can anything, but feeling pretty good about the jars of salsa now in the freezer! |
Make Over Leftovers: No, I wasn't thinking 'Now, how can I make doughnuts less healthy?' Just trying to enjoy the dozen day old doughnuts I bought when I at last gave into my craving. I froze the doughnuts right away, so I could eat them a few at a time. These'll keep me from giving into the urge to drive into town next time I get a craving. A real money saver, eh? *wink* Anyway, my dad came up with this method to slice stale doughnuts and fry them in a smattering of butter. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and EAT WARM. The ultima comfort food!! |
Now, don't get me wrong, I like my life but there's always room for improvement. I keep taking on new challenges because the only way I'm going to steadily improve my life (
Kaizen, baby!) is to change what I do for something better. Doing something different daily seems to be the key. Loving this
Indpendence Challenge because it helps me to daily think of categories certain to improve my $$ bottom line.
Time for me to get off this computer now and go do something different!
Whassup in your world? Taken on any new challenges lately? Leave a link if you're so inclined!
Frying donuts in butter? That sounds like something Hubby would do. And enjoy. And share with me. And make me smile!
I love how you are challenging yourself! I need a big post-it that says "clean up your piles." Wonder if that would motivate me????
@Sue, I like the way your hubby works! mine wouldn't touch these with a ten foot pole...he's too health conscious. ;)
@Lizzy, *chuckle* if a big post-it works, I'll have to get me one!
Mmmm, I love pancakes, especially topped with strawberries! And ouch, poor finger, but the gloves look great! :)
I will only buy two doughnuts at a time so I will not sit and eat them by dunking them in glass after glass of milk. Everyday, I drive by a local doughnut shop several times. It is a challenge NOT to stop. However, warm doughnuts are sold only in the early morning, and I am selcom out early, so--problem solved.
Interesting day-old doughnut method. My mom warms hers in the toaster. It's amazing how a simple glazed doughnut tastes that much better when crisped and warm.
Congrats on giving in to your cravings, and making a difference while you're at it ;)
Sometimes giving in to that craving just a little is best! I'll eat my whole way through the house if I need a piece of chocolate and deny myself. :p
Oh my gosh donuts toasted up like bagels...too delicious!
I thought about trying to transform the old donuts into french toast.
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