
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy International Compost Awareness Week!

Just learned there's such a thing as International Compost Awareness Week. What I'm reading to celebrate the occasion: Treehugger's Do's and Don'ts of Backyard Composting.
   While I'm at it, Happy Mother's Day to everyone...if you are a mother, have a mother or know a mother, have a HAPPY DAY!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

What I'm Reading Tonight: 100 Items to Disappear First

Just came across an intriguing post on Attainable Sustainable: 100 Items to Disappear First. Though I wouldn't call myself a prepper, after living a couple of weeks without electricity following an ice storm, articles such as this get my attention. Can't say I'm preparing for a long term disaster, but I do like to be somewhat prepared for the unexpected.
   The list of 100 items reminds me that I've been meaning to pick up some clear lamp oil. Y'know, just in case! What's on your "just in case" list of plan-to-buys?
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