Traveled to Louisville again yesterday...through some rain that turned into SNOW. Didn't see that coming!
Anyway, no worries, the weather didn't get in the way of anything. We had a great visit with distant family, and before heading home, I talked Hubby into stopping by one of those big ole healthy food stores.
In our little region, organic foods are so very pricey and sometimes hard to come by. So, I was able to buy a thing or two that we like.
Pictured at right is a can of tomatoes bought here at home recently for $3.15, along with the cans bought in L'ville for $2.69. (Bought to pump up the flavor of cheap salsa.) The savings might not've paid for our gas (!), but every little bit counts, eh?
Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. Anything on your mind? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.
In our little region, organic foods are so very pricey and sometimes hard to come by. So, I was able to buy a thing or two that we like.
Pictured at right is a can of tomatoes bought here at home recently for $3.15, along with the cans bought in L'ville for $2.69. (Bought to pump up the flavor of cheap salsa.) The savings might not've paid for our gas (!), but every little bit counts, eh?
Thanks, Rhonda at down-to-earth, for sharing this On My Mind concept. Anything on your mind? Share your link here or on down-to-earth.