Be back January 3rd!
As I am addicted to reading everyone's blogs, I can't wait to see what I'll have missed. But meantime, maybe if I'm not staring at my computer screen I'll enjoy even more the blanket of snow that covered our countryside last night...about two inches of the snow-globe-perfect white stuff and just below freezing temps here in our region of Kentucky.
REPURPOSING: Greeting cards to gift tags
I'll be saving all the holiday greeting cards to cut off any portions usable for gift tags. Sometimes I get lucky with a holiday card that can be used as a tag for a birthday gift, like this one pictured here above, on a gift for our young niece's birthday. The majority of our card fronts (holiday, birthday, whatever) get saved for the local veterans' association, as they collect and send them somewhere for re-use.
FINALLY made some goodies yesterday morn to send via Hubby to our neighbors up the hill. She gifts us with her homemade peanut brittle each year (YUM!) and then I return her container with something from my kitchen. Last year it was Mexican wedding cookies, but this year I decided to go with little pecan tarts.
Found online at the exact recipe I use for these little pecan tarts called Tea Time Tassies, which will keep me from having to re-print it here. A good thing since I've got to go get ready for this wondrous day of family, family, family, food and fun.
Wishing the same for you & a VERY Happy New Year too!!